The Corinth Canal

The Corinth canal

The Corinth canal is a narrow waterway connecting the Ionian Sea to the Aegean Sea, slicing through the narrow strip of land that separates the Peloponnese peninsula from the Greek mainland. Spanning a length of 6.4 kilometers (4 miles) and reaching depths of up to 8 meters (26 feet), the Corinth Canal is the deepest canal in the world.

Ancient Dreams, Modern Realities

The idea of cutting a canal through the Isthmus of Corinth is not a new one. In fact, it dates back over two millennia. The ancient Greeks, recognizing the strategic significance of such a water passage, first attempted to construct a canal in the 7th century BCE during the reign of Periander, the tyrant of Corinth. However, due to technical limitations and the sheer scale of the project, their efforts were ultimately abandoned.

It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the dream of a navigable Corinth Canal became a reality. In 1881, after several failed attempts by various rulers and conquerors throughout history, construction on the canal began under the supervision of the French engineering firm, Société Internationale du Canal Maritime de Corinthe. Utilizing the latest engineering techniques of the time, including dynamite for excavation, the canal was finally completed and opened for navigation in 1893.


Once you arrive in canal there are many places to park. To be honest there is not much to see, you go on the bridge check the canal that is super interesting, take some pictures and go away.

There is also an adventure store and they will offer a bungy jump from the bridge, here more info about it.

For the curious souls

Here some nice videos about the canal and its story


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