Seville and Jerez

This is a new series of posts to try to document a bit the trip in a more structured way. The main idea is to capture the places that called our attention and it might be somehow worth visiting.

Well known touristic places are full of beautiful spots that you must see, but if you think, they are kind of impossible to miss. So I won’t focus much on that as the internet is full of information around those. Instead the idea is to show different stops that are not so well known, or maybe not super exposed in the internet.

A little disclaimer is that the content here will be a bit biased as we search places and things that we love doing 🤷🏻‍♂️

With that said let’s go !

Sevilla is full of attractions that you can just check here.

Unusual climbing gym

This is an unusual climbing gym that we found in Seville

Climbing “gym” below the bridge
Climbing “gym”

Voilá ! this is the climbing gym, 24 hours opened and 100% free. There is also an overhanging area and a space for training. It amuses me to see how the community pushing together can achieve great things, this space is just amazing! Congrats for the local climbers who put that in place.

University Campus

The campus is huge and we stayed there for a couple of nights. In 1992 they hosted the Seville Expo ’92The event was to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus reaching the Americas after launching from Seville’s port. A lot of money was invested and they built several big thematic pavilions that even if not super well maintained are still interesting to see 🤓

Expo 92 Pavilions

Jerez de la Frontera

The place is a well known area for its wine production. It is one of the wine regions forming the Sherry triangle in Andalusia. The place has a good soil called albariza that retains humidity creating the perfect conditions for the sherries to grow.

Also they have a quite unique method called solera system.

The wines are stored in barrels that are stacked in rows called criaderas, of which each solera has at least three. The new wine of each vintage is entered into the youngest criadera (the top level), whereas the oldest reserve is found on the lowest criadera, which itself is also called a solera. As the most aged wine is pulled off and bottled, new wine is trickled down into older criaderas, so there is an almost poetic continuation in each bodega that dates back to its founding.

We went for a wine taste session in a place called Tio Pepe, probably one of the most famous in the area. The experience was nice, even if the ticket is a bit over priced (Tour + 2 wines for tasting for 18 eur).

Anyway it is worth and the wines produced there are quite unique.

Solera System

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